Germany a country of Europe, the economy of Germany is a highly developed social market economy. It has the largest national economy in Europe. Germany good in car manufacturing, most luxurious car of world manufacturer in Germany. Germany carry second highest population in Europe. Germany is good in culture & ethical value. Germany share large no of boundaries with other countries. Germany has good i basic infrastructure like Education, health, Connectivity (transport). Most of the countries of Europe support human right violation, in this cause they good in legal point of view.

Colorful germany political map with regions on Vector Image
Germany Political map

Political:– Germany is a country of Europe, which cover 8.3 Cr population & 19th rank in World population, 64 in land area. Germany is situated beside of sea and interlock with land 11 most populous country of Europe, which cover 60% of population of EU. Germany is a democratic republic , stable and  strong government run the Country. Chancellor is head of the Country. Germany has close tie-up with USA, UK, France. Germany is one of the member of UN, USC, Parish Agreement & UNCCC. All member of EU countries has decided to no use of single plastic in starting of 2021. Most of the Eco-friendly have gone to Britain due to Brexit. It will good time to invest in Germany , to increase enrichment all EU to satisfy his  Eco-friendly & sustainable needs. Many EU countries impose carbon tax on his nation.

Germany Ease or Doing Business Ranking is 22 in world.

Economical:-   Germany has the 4th largest economy in the world.  It is the 2nd largest exporter and 3rd largest importer. Nominal GDP- $3.863 trillion, 1.5% (2018) 0.6% (2019)

−7.0% (2020e), 5.2% (2021e).

 GDP Share of different sector

agriculture: 0.7%

industry: 30.7%

services: 68.6%

Germany is the founder member of 27 country group EU, also member of World Bank, IMF, WTO, European Bank.

Import goodsmachinery, data processing equipment, vehicles, chemicals, oil and gas, metals, electric equipment, pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs, Organic agricultural products
  • Free Trade Agreement with all EU and many more Countries, easily available 40 Country big market free of cost for our Eco-friendly and sustainable product.
  • Corporate tax Rate- 19%
  • We get benefit in foreign currency Euro.
  • Carbon tax help to increase sale of our product.
  • EU imposed restriction on China also generate opportunities for me & reduce competition in market.

Social:- Germany population 82 million, largest in all EU country in terms of population. Modern, multicultural is good in art & Culture. Refugee is great problem of Germany. Most of the -people of Germany speak German. Christen has largest  share in German Population. German people use sustainable fashion like-  Vegan Shoes, Vegan Purse / Wallet, Seed pen, Water Bootle, Jute bags,  Vegan Bags, Bamboo Towel, Knit Wear, Denim jeans, Manipur poetry cup, Terracotta vessel etc. German people to much conscious of his health. Germany use 48% eco-friendly Energy. Germany has 11.4% share in Organic market in EU. 

Technology:- Germany was home to many influential scientists and inventors. The Ministry of Science and Technology is an organization which coordinates and decided priorities for the national science and technology programs in Germany. There are many specialized scholarly societies concerned with agriculture and veterinary science, the natural sciences, medicine, and technology. Technology help to make business more sustainable and reduce cost. By help of technology we develop some new sustainable product, which help us to reduce carbon footprint.

Market Facts related Germany Ecofriendly & Sustainable Product Market:-

  • More than 1/3 of 250 business executives said that they could not keep up with consumer demand for sustainable products and services and 62% declared that sustainable investments were motivated by consumer expectations for green products (Accenture, 2012)
  • Environmental impacts are the third most important factor for EU consumers, after quality and price (Eurobarometers 2009, 2013)
  • 26% of EU citizens often buy environmentally friendly products, 54% of them sometimes do (Eurobarometer 367, 2013)
  • Only 6% of EU citizens trust producers’ claims about their products’ environmental performance completely (Eurobarometer, 2009)


Germany is a very advanced country. People of Germany & EU is too much conscious about environment & health. They invest lot of money on healthy & environment focused product. It is spending a lot of money on research and development on sustainable business opportunities. Their culture gives emphasizes in music, literature, art and sports. But, they still value family the most. Germany is beautiful. It is very peaceful nation, especially to conduct business. Germany is good in Car technology & renewal energy technology. The people are educated and the living standard is high. Germany is member of 27 member EU Group and it has lots of potential to grow.


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